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Co-edited book

Richards, Rosemary, and Julja Szuster, editors. Memories of Musical Lives: Music and Dance in Personal Music Collections from Australia and New Zealand. Melbourne: Lyrebird Press, 2022. CONTENTS: List of illustrations; Foreword by Almut Boehme; Acknowledgements; Abbreviations; Introduction. Ch. 1: Philipp Oster’s music book: Evidence of an early South Australian music library (Julja Szuster); Ch. 2: “Heart, my heart, why so sad?”: Two migrants to Melbourne and their manuscript music collections (Rosemary Richards); Ch. 3: Laing, Findlay and Baillie: Identifying Scottishness in the music collections of three Scottish Australian violinists (Shane Lestideau); Ch. 4: Chopin in Reefton and Dream Lover at Moutohora Branch Line: Owner-bound music albums in New Zealand, 1907–34 (Kirstine Moffat); Ch. 5: Those who played and bound: Bound volumes of piano music as an indicator of social change (Clare Gleeson); Ch. 6: Dance music in nineteenth-century owner-bound albums (Heather Blasdale Clarke); Ch. 7: Treasured possessions: Pre-1920 New Zealand music in three Auckland historic houses (Elizabeth Nichol); Ch. 8: From piano stool to library shelf: Reconnecting library and museum owner-bound music collections with audiences (Matthew Stephens); Ch. 9: Tango ragging, Terang Boelan and the bound albums of George Bell and Gerty Stewart: Music collecting as musicological and ethnomusicological research (Aline Scott-Maxwell and John Whiteoak). Notes on contributors; Select bibliography; Index.

Book chapters, articles, monograph

Richards, Rosemary. ‘“To Display Her Chief Accomplishment”: Domestic Manuscript Music Collections in Colonial Australia’. In Performing History: Approaches to History across Musicology, edited by Nancy November, 320–36. Brookline, Mass.: Academic Studies Press, 2020.

———. ‘Georgiana McCrae and Her “Favorite” Music’. La Trobeana, 19, no. 2 (July 2020): 13–20.

———. ‘John Wilson and Scottish Song’. In re-Visions: Proceedings of the New Zealand Musicological Society and the Musicological Society of Australia Joint Conference hosted by the University of  Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand between 2nd and 4th December 2010, edited by Marian Poole, 171–85. Dunedin, N.Z.: New Zealand Music Industry Centre, 2013.

———. ‘A Resounding Success’. In Don’t Ever Let Them Get You, by George Dreyfus, 81–96. Melbourne, Vic.: Black Pepper, 2009.

———. Frae the friends and Land I love’: The ‘McCrae Homestead Music Book’. Box Hill North, Vic.: R. Richards, 2005. A musical and biographical analysis of the favourite music of Georgiana Huntly Gordon McCrae from one of her four manuscript music collections.

———. ‘Wanting to Have Number 3’. In Who’d be a Mother? edited by Carolyne Lee and Susan Burke, 103–8. Sydney, N.S.W.: Angus & Robertson, 1990.


Richards, Rosemary. “Music and World-Building in the Colonial City: Newcastle, NSW, and Its Townships 1860–1880: By Helen J. English, Abingdon and New York, Routledge, 2021, Xii + 216 Pp., ISBN-978-0-36707-764-8 (Hardback), ISBN-978-0-42902-267-8 (eBook).” Musicology Australia, September 2024, 1–4. doi:10.1080/08145857.2024.2393504.

———. “Melbourne Symphony Orchestra: Bartók and Beethoven” [Classic Melbourne review, 4 November 2023]. Accessed 5 November 2023.

———. “Victorian Opera: The Visitors” [Classic Melbourne review, 19 October 2023]. Accessed 21 October 2023.

For updates about Dr Richards’ research and speaking dates, get in touch with her here.